This term we will cover...
All things Autumn
All about me.
The Seasons and the Weather.
Bonfire night
Firework safety
We are discussing emotions, the different ones and how we may feel if we experience them.
Our book of the half term is:
Were going on a leaf hunt by Steve Metzger.
Three friends have lots of fun on their adventure finding leaves. Join them as they hike over mountains and through forests looking for all kinds of colours. What will they do with their leaves at the end of the story?
Concept Cat words of the week will be:
Week 1 - Explaining about concept cat and what we will do.
Week 2 - Empty
Week 3 - Full
Week 4 - Big
Week 5 - Littl
Week 6 – Noisy
Week 7 – Quite
Sign of the week:
We have linked the Makaton signs of the week in with the Concept Cat words this half term above.